
The inspiration to create this group came from a post on Linkedin written by White Ribbon Australia, exposing the fact that Domestic Violence had increased during COVID. I was so angry that I felt compelled to share my story. for the first time in thirty years.

Going public had good results with the inception of Courageous Women but I still remember the feeling of shame that came from this sharing. I was not a victim but my mindset was stuck in that place of thinking that I was doing the best for my children.

With a community of like-minded people, I am no longer alone.

 Successful professional women often have to overcome three barriers:-  
      1. Societal norms
      2. Working two jobs
      3. Their own mindset. 

At Courageous Women, we want to change the systems that hold us back and ensure that women

      Know their own WORTH !

About Elena

 Elena is a funky, feisty Scottish – Australian with a love of this land. Her keen sense of adventure has meant that she wants to push the boundaries and be that woman who CAN!

She’s passionate about Health and Safety, Mental Health and all things Wellbeing. Follow her posts on Linkedin to learn more.   

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