Courageous Women

A sanctuary for professional women led by Elena Lennox

Let's champion successes, address challenges, break down barriers and drive change.

Find your strength in our circle of courageous women

Walking the corporate tightrope as a woman isn’t easy.

You can’t deny it.

Juggling career aspirations with personal responsibilities often falls disproportionately on women. Navigating these expectations while asserting leadership can be tricky.

Even with flexible work arrangements, it can sometimes be difficult to communicate with managers or colleagues about your needs. Or even to leverage company support systems.

When achieving work-life balance becomes increasingly elusive, the support of family, colleagues, and networks like Courageous Women becomes our lifeline.

Space to share stories

Let your narrative unfold, free from judgment, and find strength in a safe place, nurtured by our sisterhood of courageous women.

Value feminity and spiritual growth

In this circle of trust, where vulnerability meets courage, unburden your heart, share your truth and find strength in the sisterhood's embrace.

Let's have a chat

Where Courageous Women meet to break barriers and build bridges together

How to avoid the 3 mistakes every working woman makes.

how to avoid the mistakes every working woman makes
Elena Lennox, NLP, Coach, Executive Coach, Life Coach, B
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What does it mean to be a Courageous Woman?

Embodying strength, resilience, and determination in the face of adversity. It means standing up for what is right, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. It means being unafraid to take risks and step outside our comfort zone in pursuit of our goals and dreams

Avoid these three mistakes

Three mistakes every working woman makes – and how to avoid them.

Get that top job

You can do it! Let me show you how.

What's holding you back?

I just discovered the #1 thing holding back your career.

Who’s in Control?

June 26 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA Level 5/235 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000, Australia

How courageous women work togather

Establishing Global Support

We unite to build a robust global network where women uplift each other, fostering support and inspiration across borders.

Empowering Meet-ups and Workshops

Join us for regular gatherings and workshops where women learn resilient and courageous strategies for personal and professional growth.

Community Connection

Connect with like-minded women who share your vision and passion for empowerment, forming meaningful connections that last a lifetime.

Safe Sharing Space

Our platform provides a secure environment for women to openly share their challenges, knowing they’re heard and supported without judgment.

Inspiring Events

Experience the power of inspiration as we organize events featuring dynamic speakers who lead the way, igniting passion and purpose in every attendee.

Building Resilience Together

Together, we cultivate resilience, courage, and empowerment, creating a world where women thrive and support one another’s journeys.
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